Write a story that could be titled 'Fractured'. Think about which themes would feed into this title.
I never saw it coming. My head was slammed against the wall, and as I slumped to to the floor I passed out. The blood from my head wound stained the floor. It also was on the hands of my attacker, who hastily washed his hands and ran out of my apartment.
My head was fractured in a few places. I was barely breathing when I was rescued. The EMT picked me up and laid me on the stretcher. I was in a coma for a few days while investigators tracked the suspect and questioned witnesses.
When I woke, one of those investigators was there to get my statement. I couldn’t remember anything, so I was no help for solving the case. But
he asked about the last thing I could remember.
I recalled a repairman coming to fix something. I’d called about a busted TV. Next thing I knew I was assaulted ,almost fatally.
As I recovered, I was guarded by protective detail.
My memory was returning. Apparently I had been on a jury and an escaped convict had found me.
The police put out an APB and with the help of my description of the assailant, I was able to make a positive ID when they showed me his mug shot. Thankfully, when he was in custody a tracker had been implanted in his arm -so he could be located.
He was found in a bar getting drunk.