A fairytale character is dropped into this world.

How do they react? What do they find most difficult?

The Exit from Wonderland

Everyone knows the story of Alice in Womderland. Her stumble down the rabbit hole that led her to this bright and colorful world; that which led to her inner awakening of who she truly is. Alice ultimately ends up conquering the Queen and is bathing in her power. What no one talks about though is her re-entrance to the human world. Returning to her snobby family and mundane exsistence after being surrounded by magical creatures and talking animals was a jarring experience. Alice was given word that one of her family members was on the way to the next life, so she thought I’d only be plausible if she went to say her farewells. Alice did not really give much thought to what this truly meant. She would have to face everything she left behind, face the reality of her situation. As Alice entered back into the human realm her heart began skipping beats at such an irregular pattern. All the memories from her past bubbling up to the surface. Her gut twisted into an irreversible knot, causing her to feel nauseous. She felt her knees go limp as she stood tall after crawling out of the dark tree trunk. But Alice then remembered who she was. She slipped back into her habitual patterns that she had worked so hard to be liberated from. Alice took a deep breathe, closed her eyes, and focused on the sound of her own breathing until she felt grounded again. Reeling her mind back like a magnet pulling in metal for a close hug. Alice was so used to the random methodical creatures approaching her that being here felt barren. She got stuck staring at a tree waiting to make a quick acquaintance when her Aunt coughed saying “Alice, what are you doing staring at that tree?” Alice replied “Oh I thought I saw something.” Alice then realized how odd she probably looked to her Aunt. She definitely had her hands full in this moment but she knew she could conquer anything. Remembering Cheshire the cat saying “We’re all mad here” made Alice giggle. She could be herself knowing that her real home was waiting for her.

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