Write a free verse poem that includes the word: Time
A free verse poem is a form of poetry that does not have a set meter or rhyme scheme.
Am I wasting your time
By asking you to read my “poem”?
I didn’t mean to disrupt you,
But if you’re really willing to stay...
And read...
And enjoy...
Well, be my guest. (;
The clock whispers with the dark
About how it’s always alone,
Always ticking people off
With sounds it cannot control
It complains about its arms being too short
That they can’t bend,
That the only turn and turn
And why it can’t just have two
The dark listens closely
For it’s the only thing it can do rather than
Gobbling up light in a matter of seconds
But never time
The dark can only compensate
Understanding the pain of loneliness,
But it has a conjecture,
And it loves to be alone
The clock only grows with anger,
Just a matter of seconds and
It’ll scream, waking everybody
Like a rooster at the crack of dawn
The dark can only be there,
It can’t move if it wanted to
Unless a ray of sunshine
Broke through the naked window
The TICK TOCK of the clock
Make things serene again,
But only for a moment because
It’s a matter of minutes that it’ll burst in rage
The dark doesn’t want to leave
Even though it loves to be the “Lone Wolf”
But leaving the clock in such a mess
Will only make it worse for the both of them
“Clock, don’t do this to yourself,
If you cry, we’ll both be caught,”
The dark bravely gritted
“Don’t do this...”
“Oh no...”
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“What in the world?”
“What was that?”
“It was that ole clock I tell ya!”
“We shall have it burned!”
No. Oh no. No. Oh no.
The dark didn’t know what to do,
It couldn’t protect the poor clock
It couldn’t do anything at all
An old man peers into the living room
Like a predator about to stalk its prey
Slowly yet surely, he creeps up to the clock
And wraps his brittle fingers around its head
He yanks it off without any mercy,
Not even giving a damn that half the wall
Stills clings to the clock’s back
The clock stops whining,
It got what it finally wanted after all this time
Just someone to notice it’s presence
Just somebody to hold it
Just some attention
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