Write a confession from a police officer who planted evidence to convict someone they believed was guilty.
Would they feel bad, or stick to their original convictions?
“Bully Cop”
It was early summer and Jesse, was out riding around. He noticed a police car parked in a parking lot scouting. Jesse, looked to his left as he was passing the officer. He spoke out loud to himself, he’s going to pull me over, as he drove pass the traffic light. I noticed the police pull out following behind me. It was early evening had just gotten dark and I looked thru my rear view mirror, he was no longer behind me. I looked in the right side mirror and he was pacing looking into the windows of the vehicle I was driving. He continued this pace for over two miles, as I got into the left hand lane, he got behind me and put his blue lights on. Now what, I thought so I pulled into CVS parking lot. I had my widow rolled down my hands on the steering wheel. He’s approaching my car , with his hand on his gun, and I ask,
Officer why did you pull me over?
Your tire is low on air. He pointed at the drivers side rear tire I thought “wow” eagle eye how could he tell the tire was low on air. it was dark and he was in the parking lot at least four lanes over. After I crossed the light he got behind me. He followed me nearly two miles on the right rear side there’s no way he could see that my tire was low on air, further more he followed me on the right side the whole time and when i pulled over he was behind me. The only way to know was to walk up to the truck. He said I’ll be right back, he went to his car to run the plate and I stepped out of my truck to check the tire. I looked at my front and back tires. They looked just fine. I went back to my car sat inside and waited. My window still down,he walks up and says let me see your drivers license.
May I ask why?
Did I commit a violation.
Your tire was low on air, ok officer I’ll go take care of it right now before it goes flat. No you don’t I want to see your drivers license did I commit a violation and am I being detained. Officer a low tire is not a violation it’s an in-fragment which is not a violation. Step out of the car I smell weed. Really officer, I said get out of the car.
Yes sir! Am I being detained?
I already knew, he was saying he had probable cause. Nothing was mentioned about a search only permission to identify the gun.
Can I search your truck?
No sir, I don’t consent to a search .
No need to consent you’re going to jail.
He turns around holding a big bad of weed.
Look what I found. “He blurted out.”
Officer that’s not my weed, oh yes it is, it was in the console. It wasn’t there officer, only my gun and paper work. Why didn’t you mention the weed?
I don’t have anything to say officer, without my attorney present.
Ok let’s go I’ll have your car towed.
You know you’re violating my constitutional rights. Officer laughed you allowed me to look in your console and I found this bag of weed and the gun.
Do you have any other drugs or guns in the car. I have a gun permit officer, can I reach for my wallet and I’ll show you my permit, you have to open the wallet up or take me out of these handcuffs, so I can open my wallet and show you I have my gun permit. It’s illegal to have a gun and weed in your car. You will lose your gun permit, he replied.
We’ll see, I should not be going to jail officer. Why not?
You know and i know why.
What are you insinuating?
I’m not insinuating anything,
All I’m saying is I’m going to get paid dearly for your actions. I’ll make bail by morning.
I’m out of jail, and scheduled to be in court today and as I’m pulling up so is the officer.
We both walk inside at the same time and the officer said. Why, don’t you agree to pay court fees and I’ll dismiss the drug charge.
Wow, that sounds pretty good.
Well step over here please and sign this form and pay $27.50 court fees.
I’m sorry officer my attorney needs to be present before I sign any documents. He’ll be here shortly. No more was said , he walked away knowing, he could no longer speak to me.
He knew he had planted evidence to make a case against me. I knew that he knew that I was difficult, but he wouldn’t admit to planting evidence to entrap me into pleading guilty. He continued with his confession accusing me of possession of an illegal substance and requested my gun permit be suspended.
While the officer was busy running my plate I was busy doing a video of where my gun was just in case something went wrong.
It was my turn to speak. Your honor, I was pulled over for a low tire that there was no way he could possibly know unless he was standing next to my truck. I want this officer removed from his services after presenting my evidence. Your honor I would like to present my evidence to the court it’s a video of how everything played out. The officer, was shocked, what video I never saw you recording. How could you, you were in your car plotting how to charge me for something I didn’t have possession off. Officer I didn’t see you plant the weed in this man’s truck but I do see that prior to you entering his truck there was not a bag of weed. Your removed from your services and please take his gun and badge. The officer never apologized nor would he admit to his wrong doing. (Fired)
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