Photo by Florentina Amon @

Write a story inspired by this image.

The White Veiled Shadow

I walked through the autum woods, and took in the colorful leaves starting to cover the forest floor. The woods were near silent as the crunch of leaves beneath my steps thundered out. I took in the steep slope of a hill and looked into the foggy colorful blurs beneath me. Then as I took a reluctant step forward, I felt something snag my foot. My heart skipped a beat as the world shifted around me. I stumbled forward and began rolling down the hill. Brambles, twigs, and rocks hit and tore at my skin. The pain was unbearable as I yelped for help. I fumbled and rolled for what seemed like a painful eternity, when my head slammed into something hard and rough. My world suddenly turned black.

As I came back into consciousness, my eyes had to adjust to the blinding light of the Sun. The fog was thick and made seeing incredibly difficult. I took in my surroundings and noticed what knocked me out. A large oak tree had hit me in the head, but it stopped me from rolling any further. I stood up and stretched my aching muscles. My leg shot a searing pain through my body. I walked around trying to figure out where I am. Then the fog became incredibly thick. I stumbled through the fog and then found a medium sized clearing in the woods. There in the middle was a silhouette of a lean figure.

A woman in a black dress stood as still as the dead and it didn’t look like she was breathing. On her head was a pure white veil, that humanized her appearance. Her entire face was covered and her head was tilted toward the sky. In her pale hand was a brown briefcase bag. I tried to back away slowly without getting her attention, but fate had other plans for me. I stepped on a twig and the snap was like a gun shot in my ears.

The woman spun around like a tornado and sprinted toward me. I screamed and sprinted away from the clearing. Tree limbs and roots were making my escape painful and horrible.

The veil fell away from her face and under it was the most atrocious monster I have ever seen. Her eyes were solid black, her nose being nothing but slits in her pale tight skin. She grabbed my hair and yanked hard. I screamed and collapsed to the ground. The woman climbed on top of me and held me down with inhuman strength. She opened her pink lips to reveal sharp triangular teeth and a lime green tongue. Fear gripped my heart and my breathing became labored. Then with a bite of my neck, stars filled my vision. My breathing became lighter and lighter as the world faded to shadows and shapes. The world turned cold and darkness enveloped me for good.

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