“Every night I wake up under the same crooked tree.”
Write a horror story that specifically centres around this piece of speech.
Who Is Doing This?
Every night I wake up under the same crooked tree.
I’m not sure why, but, it is terrifying. It shouldn’t be, I know. It’s not like I’m dying or surrounded by dead bodies. But the eeriness of it. The vulnerability of _myself_.
I don’t know who does it. There’s no trace of anything in my house that would lead me to suspect anyone.
At first I thought I started to sleepwalk.
My doctor told me otherwise.
One night I had tried to stay up to see what would happen. I almost succeeded, but one moment I felt sleepy and drowsy.
Then I was under the tree again.
Does the person doing this find this _fun_?
To torment me like this?
Or am I finally just going insane?
Am I going crazy, tell me!
What kind of person drags someone out of their home every night, just to put them under a tree.
Is this a sign? Does someone from my childhood want revenge? Are their higher beings in play?
I just don’t understand, I want to act calm about the whole situation, but I can’t. It’s already hard enough to sort through my thoughts.
I can’t call the police—there’s no evidence whatsoever. And I don’t want to tell my friends. I don’t want them in this mess, so I guess I just have to figure out what the hell is going on.
I don’t want this to happen forever; if it does, I fear I’ll kill myself.
_(Wow. I have no drive to write. Probably because of all the informational essays and project stuff I gotta do. My procrastination is waning, and my brain is doing flip flops_
_Alrighty, thanks for reading this jumble of mess and have a wonderful day.)_