The day you've been waiting for has finally arrived...

The Day

The day I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived.

I felt it in every fiber of my body, and I was enlightened— exhilarated.

With adrenaline coursing through my blood, I sprinted down the halls of my abandoned, shabby apartment complex.

The air was musty and grey, almost emanating green, nasty aura. I ignored the usual environment as I left the building.

The sky was a bright blue, and the air was chilled, almost stilled. Everything felt bright and optimistic, but slow and nostalgic. I felt at peace.

And that’s how I knew that today was the day.

The one I’ve wanted all my life.

The day where I would feel the epitome of happiness for no apparent reason, and everything good and natural would occur to me.

The world would spin like always.

And no evil would out break.

Life would be perfect for the first and last time.

Today was the day.

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