To gain your freedom, you must make it through a treacherous maze blindfolded.
Rather than including details about how you got into this scenario, try to be as descriptive as possible about how you would survive this experience.
I start by slowing down. I need to get in the right mind set to even think about how I’m going to do this.
Breath. Keep breathing.
What is the plan?
No not ready yet?
Keep on breathing.
In through the nose out through the mouth
Freedome is the most important
But you will not subdue to the pressure now breath!!!!
That is the plan?
Well I know that the 4 senses that are available to me I need to use to its fullest extent.
Also my memory. I need to use my memory to its fullest extent
Faith is also important
I will now let fear dictate me steps only
I trust me self and I trust the universe.
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