Write a dialogue scene which starts with a confession of love and ends with a confession of a crime.


“I promise to love you always and always listen to everything you say.” I didn’t think my day would end with my coworker confessing her feelings for me. “I’m much prettier than her; why don’t you date me instead?” Jenny muttered as she glared at Ana with a menacing look. “Because I love her”. -

“Well, love, aren’t you full of yourself having a dream like that?” teased Ana “… Is there something you want to tell me?” She joked, but I knew she was slightly serious. “No, she’s a nice girl, but there’s always been something about her that makes me uncomfortable.” I tried to hide the concern in my voice, but Ana noticed my uneasiness. “I’ve met Jenny before, and she seems like a nice girl; she was very timid when we greeted each other.” She stroked my sweaty head as we lay in bed with my head on her chest as I told her about my strange dream. “We should hurry up, or we’ll be late for our

classes; you don’t have any in the afternoon, right?” Her face lit up, expecting a response . “I guess it’s been a while since we’ve gone on a date. “I can’t today, but I have the day off tomorrow since I changed today’s shifts with tomorrow; Alice practically begged me to switch with her.” “I guess tomorrow will be better since you’ll spend more time with me, but it’s strange that Alice did that, considering tomorrow is the only day she can visit her parents, and she hasn’t answered my calls or texts since yesterday.” Her brows furrowed as she showed concern for her best friend. “You should call her,” I murmured while kissing her neck. I hugged her from behind while she was doing her makeup. “Stop! I’m in a hurry; go put on clothes, or we’ll be late!” She smacked me as she hurried. I felt tired, but I smiled, recalling last night’s events. We shouldn’t have gone all out last night since I have work after Mr.Smith’s class. I groaned, remembering that I had my two longest classes that day. After fighting to stay awake, classes were finally over, and tomorrow’s date with my beloved was the only thing keeping me going. The closer I got to my job, the bad feeling from this morning consumed my body. Once I got there, I tried to ignore it as I greeted my coworkers; when I got to Jenny, I let out a nervous chuckle. “Hi, Jenny.” She smiled sweetly as she greeted me. Hey there, what are you doing here?” I didn’t want to speak with her, but I didn’t want to start any problems. “Oh, well… Alice suddenly wanted to switch days. It sounded urgent, so I did.” Her smile got bigger. “I see. Are you going to keep that schedule?” Please stop talking.” No, I have long classes in the morning, and working in the afternoon is too taxing.” Her wide grin disappeared in a fraction of a second and appeared just as fast.” Well, that’s too bad. I was looking forward to finally working together with you every day.” I think I imagined it, right? Maybe I’m overthinking things because of my dream. “Well, we work together almost all other days. Besides, I just switched my day off, so what’s the difference?” Her smile lessened when I said this.” Today is the only day I work with Alicia, as she usually has the morning shift, and I don’t like her. She always bothers you. It’s not like she’s your girlfriend, right?” her face went dark as she said this.”No, she’s just a good friend of many years.” Her face relaxed, and she smiled again. “Great!” I got tired of talking with her, so I left because she was starting to freak me out. During my shift, I tried to avoid her the best I could until it was finally the end of the day. We closed down and started to clean up; I just needed to finish wiping the tables I was in charge of to go home. On my way out, Jenny stopped me. “I need to talk with you.” she was flustered, twirling her hair while looking at me with a strange expression. “What of?” Man, I just want to head home to my sweet Ana. “Well..” she stammered, “ I noticed how you’re always nervous around me and…” Yeah because you creep me out.”I’m not shy like you, so I’ll do the work for you. I’m not judging you, but I can’t stand it anymore. I have no more patience left.” Now, what the hell is she on about? “Do you want to marry me? I know you want me just as much as I want you; Alicia can’t come between us anymore.” What the f**k!?!? “What are you talking about? And what does that have to do with Alicia?” “She’s always hovering around you, trying to get between us.” Between us? “There is nothing ‘between’ us! You’re crazy! I don't even like being anywhere near you!” Her eyes widened, “what?” a tear Slowly, a tear slowly slid down her cheek. “You’re lying; you’re always smiling at me! And I always catch you looking at me!” I got irritated at that point. “I was just being nice, and I like to know where you are so that I can avoid you!” She was already breathing heavily at this point. “ No, you can’t say that; I even got rid of her for us! Please say you take it back. I promise to love you always and always listen to everything you say.” chills ran down my spine. ‘Did she hurt Alicia?’ Panic filled my already stressed-out body. ‘wait, she just said the exact words she had said in my dream.’ I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, and Ana’s name was displayed on the screen. I tried to get away from Jenny to answer. Jenny started following me, but I locked myself in the manager’s office. When I answered, Ana’s voice was frantic. “Love, please come home right now.” She said in between sobs. “Baby, what happened? Please calm down; I’ll head to you right now!.” She took a second to calm down enough to speak. “It’s Alicia, she wasn’t picking up my calls or responding to my messages, so I went to her house… she.. Sh.. she. There was blood… blood everywhere” Ana couldn’t stop stuttering and stammering her words. Jenny was looking towards me through the window in the manager’s office. She was calm, while I was seething in anger realizing what she had done. “Wait for me baby, tell the police to be ready for an arrest.” “Wait,what do you mean?...” I hung up before she could finish. I came out of the office, God knows how much I wanted to hurt that woman in front of me. I tried to hide my disgust. “ You know what Jenny? You’re right. Why don’t I take you somewhere?.” She smiled but seemed suspicious. “Where?” “It’s a surprise” As soon as we both were inside the car, I slammed my foot on the gas pedal and sped off. Jenny seemed scared as she saw I missed a red light. Alicia’s apartment was close so when the blue and red lights came into sight Jenny finally realized what I was doing. When the car finally stopped she tried to run away, I yelled at the officer’s “She confessed to me, I have video proof!!” I was glad I remembered the caffe had cameras with sound. The cops quickly chased Jenny down, I immediately went to my Ana, we ran into each other’s arms and mourned our beloved friend.

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