To Have Or Not To Have

I think it’s better never to have

Than to have and to lose, said she

He chucked in anything but glee

It is worse to never have experienced anything

Even if you lose it all, at least you had it, shared he

But she retorted cleverly

But can a burdened heart carry on

Knowing it lost all it’s once had, murmured she

His laugher broke free

But can an empty heart live on

Knowing it has never truly lived, questioned he

Her amusement was quick to flee

Well, put it this way, better never to love

Than to love and lose it, stated she

He slightly touched her knee

No darling, I think I’d rather experience love. Even if it comes with pain, whispered he

Her hearty grew its size times three

I suppose,

But I still don’t quite think you’re right, sassed she

I guess we’ll just agree to disagree

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