Submitted by Atlas
She didn't look up from the cracks in the sidewalk, nor did she turn down her street to go home. Instead, she just kept walking.
Write a story about a character attempting to vanish.
Wanted: Runaway Heir
Seran, beloved leader and graceful daughter of the satian empire, one inspired by the wonders of the common folks love and admiration toward a great emperor, hoping one day, she would be empress, too. the goal was so very close; in reach, within sight. The final act before her reign would be her fathers, lying upon his bed and slowly drifting off into endless rest with his hands on his stomach.
This act was a tragic one, but a shining light for she who was to see nothing but fulfilling days ahead of her. Should it ever rain from then, the people of satia would cherish it longer than they ever had before.
All thoughts of success following her crowning ceremony, however, beautiful as these thoughts may have been, they had all become a terrible lie over the course of the time she’d spent with her father. Watching, only observation from the palace grand balcony afar might have been enough to force any heir to turn their backs; forget all about the rewards reaped from such disaster.
Seran stared for far too long. Then, slowly, a desperate feeling of helplessness began to crawl through her limbs, weakening every muscle from fingertips to heel. There it was, that need to fall through that floor and take the sword in her fathers stead.
Still, with everything to do but nothing ever followed through, watched, lacking any kind of control over anything. The thousands of bodies fixed to the ground with weapons like pins on a board, ground half covered with their blood so painfully carelessly. After all, who was to be accounted for, where casualties in battles such as these could never be dug individual graves?
No bigger than a cricket, overcome completely by fear, seran tripped back over her own feet and leaned toward the doors. Fear not out of concern for her own safety, but rather her future people’s once in her shaking hands that were all too knowing of her roles implications.
Too afraid of taking on a powerful position that may very well have become unforgiving with time, and against all her good will, seran fled the palace with no further sound.
This one was her act; a shameless last attempt at saving satia and its grace after being deterred from it. As righteous as she thought it may have been, it was equally as detrimental. To the empires walls, everything within, to its last remaining royalty, but most of all, to its people. The aftermath of her good thoughts had left an entire empire of people enslaved to those of capacita.
Seran never got what she wanted, she was punished with her upbringing and given false light in a helpless situation. Hope, she thought, hope for all people of satia and forgiveness in her pitiful stupor.
Once out of anyone’s sight, her reputation had been tarnished with the same chains that were violently hung around the necks of her very own people, never to be restored.
And in that exact manner, seran vanished from the memories of them all once unbound.
No wanted posters were hung. No rewards were offered.
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