Submitted by Cameron Forte.

Write a romance story about the founding of a tradition for a couple.

Traditions are a unique way of bringing couples together, whether it be tied to a holiday or not. Write about the origin of a tradition for a couple.

Making The Most Of It

Sue and Jay did not have the best luck. Their trip up north had been first beaten back by crowds and traffic and then had rained out, leaving them to drive around, sightseeing through windshield wipers.

As expected, this led to an argument or two. Tension leads to more tension, doubly so in confined spaces.

But as the rain abated some and they pulled into a local five-and-dime to get gas and snacks for the drive home, Sue spotted the adjoining parking lot and the signage above it.

“Hey hon?” She called out over the trickling of rainfall.

He looked up from the gas pump with little verve. Her pointed finger led him to the sign. It read “Divine’s.”

“So what?” He asked a bit more terse than he’d intended. She raised an annoyed eyebrow his way before she responded.

“I’m gonna go see what it is. Park the car. Please…” with that, she went.

He wanted to protest, to at least question why should would if they were leaving but he had little time and even less excuse. He wasn’t trying to fight.

He filled up, followed and parked, waiting for her to come out for a while before going in after her. When he did, he saw just how nice the place was.

Wall sconces held real candles, making the light low and warm. A pair of twin skylights, massive in their width, opened the main dining room up to a more natural look. The wall decor was abstract but not obnoxious.

A hostess asked, “are you with her?” And pointed to Sue, calmly sat at a corner booth.

He hesitated, then smiled.

They would make it a habit to come to Divines once a summer season at least. Seeing as it saved their trip, it was the least they could do, really.

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