Submitted by M. Bonnaire

Imagine someone has lost all hope.

Write a free verse poem inspiring them that life is still worth living.

Light In A Pitch Black Room

What is the point of all this pain? What is the point of wishing to live again? What is the point of knowing I’ll never be sane, wandering around with nothing to gain? Is it the chirp of crickets at night? The lanterns swinging, bringing peace and light? The smell of flowers after a storm? The crackle of a campfire, still bright and warm? I wish I could tell you what you wanted to hear, That the world is perfect, not full of fear, But I am am not a liar, at least, not to you. We must keep hope, me and you. And look for the little things in life, The things most ignore. Such as the laugh of friends When things become clearer, Or the softness of dewy grass, Or the smile of the monster in the mirror, The world is not perfect And that is our painful truth. But we must keep trying to find the light in a pitch black room.
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