The World 🌎

There was once a town, an ordanary town. Or so everybody thought. One day a girl name Mary went to the market to get some bread. When she got there she saw her friend Margaret. So she asked Margaret if she wanted to hangout later. Margaret said”of course “.So later that day Margaret came over and she said “ I have an ideas go to the old creek and explore” Exploring was not Mary’s thing, but she said yes. So off they went to explore. When they got there they found something. Something unusual. A giant hole in the ground. Mary thought nothing of it. She just thought that a dog had done it. But Margaret wanted to keep exploring. Mary said”Cmon let’s go it’s getting dark”. So Margaret forgot about it. The next day a group of people named Jerry, Bella, Jake, and even Margaret. Margaret said”I have a great spot to hang out” Everybody followed her. The spot she was taking everybody was the place where her and Mary went exploring the other day. And she had forgotten about the giant hole that was there and wasn’t able to warn any of her friends so everybody, including her fell into the hole. They didn’t even realize because it looked like how it did back home. Everybody thought that they had done enough exploring for the day so they all went back to their house and they all got a good nights rest for the next day. When they all woke up everything was normal. When Bella started walking to school she walked past a baby and a mother in a stroller so she said hit ad the baby turned out to be and alien. Everybody around her was an alien so she ran into the closest store next to her. And when she turned around there was another alien smirking at her. She screamed for her life. And the alien ate her because those aliens feed off of humans. Every month one alien goes to earth and picks a few people to eat and bring back down for everybody else in the alien world. But before they pick there prey they find a new spot to but there portal from earth and there world. The next person to get up was Jerry. He took the bus to school. He didn’t think much of it, until he looked around him and saw aliens everywhere they all smiled at him and he screamed “ AHH!!! Help me” bit no one could hear him”. The last two people to wake up were Jake and Margaret. They walked together, but when they were walking they saw a bunch of aliens starting to form a crown around them. So they ran for there life and realized this is not there home but a replica of it so they found the hole they came from and ran back into it, back into there home. The first people they went to was the police. The police did not believe them. So they took the police to the spot where the hole is and all they said was”Is this some kind of sick joke?” They said”NO!!” The cop said don’t lie to me butters. And then Jake and Margaret just said “whatever were all just gonna go home and forget about this, but you need to get someone to cover this up before anybody else gets hurt OK” The cops said ok but leave this to us!!! The End there will be part 2

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