Write a story that takes place entirely in a ballroom, but not during a ball.

Set the action in a ballroom. It could be present day during a visit, historical, or maybe something magical happened that took your characters there?

Lesson Gone Wrong

“Oh well that’s just wonderful; I didn’t even know those entrances had doors.” I panicked as more entrances were blocked by the steel doors slamming in their place.

Let me start a little further back to catch you up.

My name is Maggie, I’m 17 and I take ballroom. I know it’s ridiculous right? But in one guess anyone would know who put me up to it. My Mother. It’s classic but it’s not as bad as I originally thought. I live in one of those towns where we do things like cotillion and balls so it happens to be convenient for me.

But even though the actual class isn’t so bad, I can’t say the same for the people.

Two words.

Jake Samuels.

It’s so cliche that it hurts. He’s my childhood besty turned frenemy. And of course as per the cliche I don’t even really know what happened.

And now the one day I show up to class early ... guess who’s there too.

There’s like a one minute slot for us to exchange death stares before the doors start slamming shut. By themselves! And then metal doors slam down on entrances I hadn’t even realized had doors. You’d think such a large ballroom would be difficult to barricade. Nope. We’re totally locked in.

What’s going on? Why would someone lock us in here? WHO would lock us in here? This is crazy! But the craziest thing is that Jake doesn’t even look surprised! He looks... calm and ... even a little exasperated.

I glare at him and in response he smiles. “So the weathers nice, no?”

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