TW: SH, suicide, disordered eating

Who is going to die today?

And who will live without

A sister or a brother

Or a fragment of themself?

Who is going to slit their wrists?

And who will slice right through

And bleed onto the carpet

Of our old, bunk-bedded room?

Who will finally get to go

And who will be the one

To break it to our parents

That their only child is gone?

Who will keep the scars

And be the sibling that survived?

Who'll be blamed for children

Trying so damn hard to die?

I was just eleven,

And you were just thirteen

When you discovered starving

And blades were my favourite meal.

You were only fifteen

When you found the scissors too.

I would always wish that

I could take it all from you.

I am only fourteen,

And you just turned sixteen,

But I can feel you fading

In your room next door to me.

I cut myself in darkness

While you cry yourself to sleep.

I can see the bandages

You hide beneath your sleeves.

All I ever wanted

Was for you to be alive

But both of us are drowning

At the same fucking time.

So who is going to die today?

I wish that it was me.

Don't you dare give up;

Please hold on till seventeen.

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