
Only on that day but always on that day. A mask or a face? No one knows. Everyone used to think it was Mr Henley dressed up but he’s dead now. I sat on the couch with my sister, staring at him. My sisters broken arm meant we could trick or treat this year, instead we watched from the window as kids ran through the rain. My sister got up and my eyes followed her as she walked to the toilet. I looked back to the window and the man was gone. Where? I had no idea. Suddenly a bang sounded from the direction of the door. My heart pounded. I could just about see the front porch. A flash of pale green. Maybe it was my imagination. I pushed myself off the couch and walked to the front door, forcing every step. I opened the door with shaking hands. It was him, still holding the umbrella. He opened his free hand and out flew a butterfly, bright blue. My eyes couldn’t leave the mesmerising creature. A sharp pain. That was the last thing I felt before the world turned to darkness, “Was this it?” my last thought and a scream my last sound…

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