Mists In The Wood (Working Title)

The mists covered the path, curling around tree roots and stones like a living being trying to reach out and grab my feet as I walked along. I could barely see the structures and figures in the distance through the dense fog and thick forests. My fur quivered in a wind that did not seem to exist, while I sniffed the air trying to determine what magic ruled this place. My quest started many moons ago to find the answer to my nighttime four-legged predicament, as my father called it when he sent me out to find a cure or a new home. A maid of 20, I travel at night when I have the protection of my beast and hide during the day since I have no knowledge of the world and men outside my home.

“We need to concentrate….” My beast reminds me. She hasn’t told me her name, however I have grown more comfortable with her.

“Right, sorry I drifted. What is that?” I ask her as I notice a blue spark and tinge to the mists now. We are closer to the towering structure, with magic and mists thickening with every step.

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