Write a scene where your character has to speak at length with a complete stranger.
How do people act when they are speaking to those they don't know? Remember you don't have to write the whole dialogue out.
Many New Things (Soulmate Story)
Jeremiah loudly introduces each person with the widest smile Liam has ever seen a person wear.
He wonders if it hurts to do that all the time.
Gesturing to an Asian girl, Jeremiah says, “This is Bellsy!” She waves and smiles at Jeremiah. “Bell,” she corrects. But not in a condescending way.
Going down the line of the big lunch table, the next person is sitting quite close to Bell. They look to be sharing a lunch which is quite gross in Liam’s opinion. “Crossing,” Jeremiah introduces. “Cross,” the guy with really blue eyes says, giving Liam a two finger salute.
“Amie.” The girl shoves Jeremiah and looks to Liam. “Amelie, please don’t call me Amie. Literally no one does.”
Jeremiah puts his hand up to his mouth and pretends like he’s whispering, “She really loves it.”
Liam doesn’t get it because she just said she doesn’t like it.
But maybe it’s a weird dynamic they have?
He expects Jeremiah to go to the person next to him, but he switches to the other side of the table. Which bothers Liam. Why not go in order?
The girl Jeremiah points to has brightly colored hair. Red and blue highlights. Liam likes it. It’s like paint and her hair’s the canvas.
“My dear prima, Riri.”
“His cousin. Allucaria but call me Ria,” she clarifies.
His new friend, Jeremiah, has a ton of friends. It’s like the list is neverending. Though it is only seven. That’s more than he usually has.
Maybe his mom having to move them here won’t be so bad.
“Miss Louna.” “Lou. Liker of only certain people. Lover of all felines,” she states, never glancing up from doodling a cat on a green notebook.
Straightforward. That’s nice. It reminds Liam of himself. He’s been told how blunt he is.
And a bonus that she draws cute kitties.
“Jojo isn’t here today, but he’s cool too, I suppose.” He _supposes_? Does he not like this Jojo as much? Maybe they only get along sometimes.
“His name is Jones,” Lou informs him. Which Liam is glad of since Jeremiah seems to have two names for everyone. How does he keep track?
Drumming on the table, he finally gets to the dark skinned boy that he skipped over before. “And my very own soulmate, Ro. But everyone calls him Roman, except for my little hermana.”
So not everyone. Liam hates exceptions. Because why say something with so much conviction if you use the word “except” that negates what you just said?
Roman takes Jeremiah’s pointing finger and intertwines their hands and then gives a kind look in Liam’s direction. “Jeremiah here likes to give people fun nicknames. You get used to it if you’re around him long enough.”
Liam shifts in his seat uneasily as everyone stares at him. Not sure what they expect. He just met all these people and is trying to remember each one.
Jeremiah seems to be in tune with Liam because he fills the awkward space. “Everyone, this my new friend Liam and his brother Zac should be here soon. Liam uses this cool phone voice to talk.”
Looking down, he doesn’t want to see their reactions. Part of him is greatly relieved that Jeremiah divulged it so he doesn’t have to. Though they don’t know he’s autistic. At least he doesn’t have to surprise them with his phone translator.
“You replacing us already?” Cross asks. Liam wildly shakes his head. He doesn’t want any of them to think he is stealing Jeremiah. He just met him!
“Nope. Always room for more people. Siempre,” Jeremiah answers.
He seems to use a lot of words Liam doesn’t know. It confuses him. Maybe Spanish? Liam likes to read a lot but always in English. He’s not used to other languages other than English and ASL.
“My brother doesn’t like crowded places.”
Liam didn’t even hear his brother stride up to the cramped table. Zac has his arms crossed and gives everyone a studying glance. He knows it well since Zac has that same look whenever Liam meets someone new.
Upon hearing his brother’s concern, everyone on the side Liam is sitting move closer to one another which gives him more room. Liam isn’t good at emotions. But Zac’s eyebrows go up so high, they disappear in his curls. So he assumes that means he’s surprised.
They instantly accommodated him.
That’s new.
“This is Zac,” Jeremiah makes a wide gesture. “Zac, this is—“
“No need. Liam can catch me up later,” Zac cuts off Jeremiah, waving off his introductions. Zac has always been abrupt. Probably a result of living with Liam and Precious. No need for the extra fluff.
Liam doesn’t get many people. But he does get Zac.
He knows that Zac gets particularly on edge with new people around him.
“So Liam, Zac, Roman is my soulmate. We found each other this year,” Jeremiah explains. They gave one another a look that reminds Liam of the way his parents gaze at each other. Full of emotions that he doesn’t quite understand.
Zac visibly stiffens at the mention of a soulmate pair. Liam sighs.
“I think Liam would actually do better in a quiet setting. Let’s go,” Zac interjects. He always hates soulmate talk. That’s the one thing about his brother that confuses Liam. It never makes sense. Liam has powers so he has one. So does Zac and Precious. So why does Zac always get so weird about this topic?
“I want to stay,” Liam types into his phone. When it speaks for him, Zac hesitates. _They are really nice to me, _he signs to his brother_. _Zac lets out a huff before slumping into the seat next to Liam.
Roman saves him since he changes the subject away from soulmates. Liam wonders if that was on purpose or just a coincidence. “Jeremiah told me you guys play soccer. Are you trying out for the school team?”
“Maybe,” Zac answers being as noncommittal as possible. Liam doesn’t like pressure so Zac normally answers for them both for things like this and provides something that doesn’t make Liam feel like he has to say yes.
But Jeremiah and his friends make him feel comfortable. He can’t remember the last time he felt like that with new people.
“I want to. I think,” Liam offers through his phone.
“Maybe I’ll actually go see a sports game if you guys play,” Amelie teases in a way that Liam is pretty sure is a joke. Like 87% sure it’s a joke.
“Yeah, we could make a whole thing out of it and then have a sleepover at my house!” Jeremiah almost shakes the whole table expressing his idea. He never knew one person could be so….enthusiastic.
“That’s assuming we try out and get on the team,” Zac grumbles under his breath. It isn’t very quiet, but it doesn’t deter Jeremiah who continues on with his planning.
While Liam counts his carrot sticks, Roman taps on the table, getting Liam’s attention. “Jeremiah gets really excited if you couldn’t tell. Can’t help himself sometimes. But it’s one of the reasons I like him.”
Soulmates puzzle Liam. He’s not had long exposure to many soulmate pairs. The only ones he does is his parents. That’s probably his brother’s doing though.
But regardless, soulmates just befuddle him. Studies have shown that soulmates have an innate understanding of one another. That’s re drawn to each other. They share a connection that no one can see. But none of that sounds right.
His family understands him. But no one else. How can one day he meet someone and just fall for them? In a snap moment, just fall in love?
What does romantic love even feel like? He can barely recognize other common emotions, so how would he figure out romance?
Jeremiah and Roman appear to get along. He wonders what it feels like for them. Finding your soulmate.
Before he can think about what he is doing, forgetting Zac is right next to him, he types out, “Roman? What does it feel like to be with your soulmate?”
Zac immediately gets up from the table and gestures Liam to get up as well.
“We’re leaving, Liam.”
He signs, _Why_?
_Because soulmates are dangerous. You don’t understand that but I do. Trust me_, his brother responds through ASL.
Liam trusts his brother.
So they go.
But he still has the same questions swirling in his head. And he wants the answers.
(Meant to post this yesterday but had a bad day, so today it is. Don’t worry, I’m fine now, but yesterday was not fun.)