Write a story where the written word, in any form, is outlawed.

Rather than focusing on why text is outlawed, try to build a story that highlights one aspect of this world. Think about how often we see words written down, and how the world would look without them.

Broken Record

"Testing... Testing... Okay! I hope this thing works. It'd be great if it did so I can use it in my English class... Oh! It's going. Okay, uh, uh, hi! My name is Piper, and this is my vocal diary. Mine. So if you have it, give it back! I live on the white dome near the park dome thing. I knowwwww whoooooo youuuuu areeeeee...

Just kidding.

Hmm... What to talk about. Oh! Paper. Haven't heard that word in a long time, have we? Oooooh, spooky. Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper. Okay, I'll stop.

I found this recorder thing in the basement of my house. I think this will be way better than trying to draw pictures. I can't draw to save my life. Pictionary is a bitch. Teaching children how to talk is hard when you can't draw the image associated with it very well. My mum is a great artist but bollocks, I suck. Dad's real good at it too. But not me, art is hard. The colors are dumb and the new floating pens that were released barely keep a charge. Whatever, I guess. I'm better vocally.

Uhm. I guess a diary is where you keep your big ol secrets, right? I guess old diaries were. Old paper books with written words on it. Sheesh, that feels kind of impossible. I've never seen a written surface, or text on a screen, or whatever the heck its called. That changed though. That changed today. I saw my Dad's old diaries. Okay, okay, they weren't diaries. But they were like, journals. That our great great grandfather wrote in. It was... weird. It talked about war and stuff. I didn't know what war meant until reading those journals. It was described pretty graphically. I've never heard of blood before. I knew it was in our body, but I didn't know it could be outside our body. I think that'd hurt. You know what else I learned? There are other languages to speak in! Yeah, and they look weird. My great great grandfather wrote something he called "Deutsch". He wrote some stuff like "Ich werde hier sterben. Hilf mir." Something like that. Must mean something about war and stuff. That's what the rest of it was about. War. War about, something about "Bücher" or whatever. Maybe its a place? I would ask Dad about it, but I'm scared. He could lose his job, I think, if his boss found out about this word stuff. His boss is mean. Ugly and mean. I should be careful what I say though, I don't know who could listen to this recording.

But, that's all I have to say, uh, diary thing. Gosh, I love old tech.

Uhhhh... Well, bye! Piper out!"

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