by Nick Scott @

Write a story from the viewpoint behind this image.

The Bridge

The day was gorgeous, a crisp autumn afternoon. Erick sat on the bridge, watching the clouds race across the sky and the wind dance through the field of grasses.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Erick looked over at the woman speaking next to him. He didn’t recognise her, but he felt comforted by her presence. “Yea” he responded and sunk back into his thoughts.

Helen smiled, “it’s okay, take your time. We’re not in a hurry.” She sat down near enough that Erick could still feel her presence without intruding on his space.

“This is where I grew up. My brothers and I used to run across this field to play in this creek on hot summer days. I helped my dad plow the fields and reap the harvest and when he passed I took over the farm. Well, until I was drafted. Then my brothers took care of it in my stead. They took care of Ma too.

“I planned to bring my wife here, you know, when I got married. Have my kids on the farm and pass it down to them.” Erick looked over at Helen and sighed.

She nodded and stood. “I understand. Unfortunately, the fates don’t always weave our tapestries the way we want them too.” She extended her hand to Erick.

He laughed bitterly as he took it. “You’re right about that. Who knew I’d lay on a grenade in some god forsaken jungle on the other side of the world.”

Helen smiled gently and walked with him to the end of the bridge, “I did. Are you ready?”

Erick took one last look at the field, “will it hurt?”

“No,” Helen shook her head, “once you pass through the gates, you will be welcomed to Odin’s table as the hero you are. They will celebrate you and your sacrifice.”

Erick nodded and stepped through the wooden arch. Helen closed it behind him and checked his name off her list. She unfurled her wings and launched into the sky. “Time to find where Sgt Gunnar Karlsson wandered to.”

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