Write a story that takes place in a strange city.

It could be an alternate reality, a culture very different from your own, or a fantasy setting.


Dragons weren’t commonplace in Lavisar, even if it was a fire-dominated city. Misty knew they were the standard delivery method for letters, but to see two of them bringing her aevus acceptance letter instead of the typical lone one…


One was a bright blue, and the other grey. The smoke-coloured dragon carried the black-and-silver envelope while the blue seemed to lead it to her window.

Her mother had been furious when the two dragons refused to leave, though the news that Misty had made it into Caeleste Academy softened her a tiny bit. Who could shout and shriek that their daughter was as bad as a terrorist of some kind for ‘disrespecting Aquara’ when said daughter was both barely eleven years old and had just gotten into the best school in the country?

A terrorist.

Her mother would really think that of her now.

Joy changing to tears, screams disrupting what was an attempt at singing. Ears ringing from an explosion that took place just half an hour earlier.

And the attackers claimed Misty was the reason they bombed the damn place to start with.

Claiming that she was a duality.

A dual elemental.

An illegal person.

Alinta… well, Alinta had a lot to learn about her friend.

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