The Punishment

"Next up, we have... Jack, Jack Wiley. I stood up, from my brown cross-stitched chair, past the desk of the secretary, and through a set of double doors. The walls were covered in an off white shade of paint, with one window poking out from behind the heads of two men seated at a folding table. “What's yer name son?" the man on the left said gruffly. "John... John Wiley, "I stammered.” You could hear the pencil on the paper as he wrote my name. "Do you go by any other names?" asked the man to the right, as he furrowed his brow. Panicked my heart began to race, I blurted out the first word that came to my head, "Bulldozer!" Nodding, the man on the left continued to write. “Any special skills?" "I can balance a teapot on my head while doing push-up. "How is that in any way relevant?" probed the man to the right. "Well, the push-ups keep me in shape and the teapot helps me to control something fragile. So I'd say I'll be pretty good at handling the merchandise." The man on the left smickered. “ha, I'm sure you will sonny. Can I ask why you wearing doze dare lady shoes? " I turned bright red, I almost forgot that was part of the deal. "Well, my back will be facing the camera a lot, so I wanted to make sure my calves looked good." “Well, those stiletos definitely make you stand out," chuckled the man on the right. "One last question for you, Bulldozer. Do you have any experience in this field?" "If you count righty, about every night,” I smirked.

The man on the left spat out his drink, "Well hot damn! You’re hired! Welcome to the Hardwood Productions team. Your first video is in an hour at this location.” He hands me a piece of crumpled paper. “Don’t yous be late now, or she’Il get mighty fiesty. “Thank you sir,” I replied as I headed towards the door. “Man," I thought to myself, “I should finish last in Fantasy Football more often.”

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