The Second Degree Lovers

He narrowed his eyes at her laughing nervously. 

“What do you mean you’ve killed someone?”

 “I’m dead serious babe. We need to get moving. Pack your bags.”

Patrick sighs, rubbing his temples. This is not the first time that this has happened. 

“So, honey, what is the occasion? Is it a big one?”

“What do you mean? Why does there have to be a special occasion?”

“I just mean- Well, last time you killed someone-”

“There is no special occasion. I just killed someone. It’s not that deep.”

Patrick nodded forlornly. He was hoping that there had been a special occasion for the murder, not just a crime of chance. Those were a lot less fun, and usually did not involve cake. Patrick had a seat in the middle of their small apartment. Around him sat an assortment of odds and ends that he was going to have to sort through and pack. On his left, there was a large pile of dirty clothes. On his right, there was a significantly smaller pile of clean clothes. That means he’s going to have to do laundry wherever they end up next, and this is more than just a minor inconvenience.

“My god, Debra, couldn’t this have waited until Monday?”

“You think I plan my murders around a schedule? I’m only a second degree murderer, I 

don’t pre meditate!”

Patrick nods again. He did remember that. He took one last glance around the room and saw the Nintendo DS that he bought when he was a child. He’s going to have to remember that this time. Turning around down the road to grab it from where they’re going would not be ideal in the slightest. Patrick furrows his brow, and Debra immediately sensed his frustration. She wasn’t _that _much of a monster after all. Debra rested her hand on Patrick’s shoulder.

“Oh, honey, don’t worry… I have a plan this time. We’ll go somewhere fun!”

“You said that last time.” Patrick pouted.

“I know, but you knew that Maine was our Plan B spot. Our Plan A spot was swarming 

with 12.”

Patrick, again, nods.

“Besides, love, I’ve already packed the essentials. These are all clothes we can replace. 

This guy was absolutely loaded.”

Patrick smiles, this is sounding more like the Debra he married.

“Aw, well, that does sound nice. Are we going somewhere warm?”

Debra grins and nods. Patrick stands up and does a giddy little dance. Oh, he was so

excited! He loved warm places. Debra laughs, clapping her hands in rhythm to the dancing. Patrick stopped abruptly, grabbed a bag and stuffed the Nintendo DS away, and started packing up some bedding to keep it snug. Debra smiled, “I’m going to pull the car around,” she called out as she left.

After a few minutes, Patrick had gathered all of his things and carried them outside.The air was stiff and cold as if rigor mortis had set in. The car lights showed up in the distance, as Debra curved around and backed the car up to the front door. As she backs up, he asks the most important question of them all: “Where did you bury the body?” This will tell him all he needs to know about where they are going. They have to be as far away from the bodies as humanly possible. Would it be Bermuda? Guam? Debra, without missing a beat, opened the trunk, revealing two dead bodies and two shovels. _Two _dead bodies? A double homicide? Well that must mean-

“Happy anniversary, Patrick!”

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