
Jasper stood stock still, not reacting to the short, red faced man that was my father.

Dad had walked in on a training session earlier, and he had blown up. That was who he was though. He had a terrible temper, and was an even worse parent.

The few times that I did see my dad, our convrrsations were short and lacked emotion. He was the kind of guy who thought women should be housewives who couldn’t do anything for themselves.

“Dad—“ I started.

“No!” He shouted, “You do not get to speak.” He faced me, blue eyes blazing. “You disobeyed me. I told you to never touch one of those THINGS again.” My fathers face contorted and he spun back around to my teacher.

When I turned eighteen, my father decided that I was old enough to need a bodyguard. Thankfully, that included a guy my age with brown hair and green eyes.

“I asked you to protect her, not train her!” He growled at Jasper, and I flinched. I knew that he had never wanted me to pick up a sword. Especially after the last guy he hired turned out to be teaching me too.

“Her training will protect her.” Jasper said calmly. I cheered for him internally. If anyone could stand up to him, it was Jasper.

I was ready this time when he called me. “Anna, it’s time to go.” He said, fuming. I smiled slightly and shook my head. “No. I’m not leaving.” I turned to Jasper.

“I would like to practice now,” I announced, ignoring my father. Jasper nodded and I went to go change. Just as I turned the corner, I saw my father storm out of the room.

Coming back, I grabbed my sword from where it was hanging. It was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. The hilt was a soft leather with old Scottish Gaelic patterns on it. It was double edged and wicked as hell.

I pulled my long auburn hair up into a pony tail and faced Jasper. He was full on grinning, and butterflies burst into my stomach.

“Congrats, Ms.Rebel. I think by you finally pissed your dad off enough to get off of your tail.” He said, stepping closer.

I shook my head. “Naw. He’ll be back. You’ll see. He doesn’t give up easily.” I wrapped my arms around Jaspers waist and laid my head on his chest.

He kissed my head softly and put his arms around my shoulder. “I can’t wait. Now let’s train.”

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