Blood Bank 🩸

Josh arrived at time, nervous about the secrecy of his new job… it was a three story building, concrete facades, brutalist style, located in the middle of a somber forest, built next to a granite cliff… he was met at the door, by an interesting gentleman, wearing a black suit with a bulldozer pin in his lapel - “ welcome josh, this is the first day of the rest of your life… if you play your cards right, your life will be on another level in the next 3 months… would you like a cup of tea?” - “no, thank you” said josh has he looked at the teapot that looked like a an actual stiletto… “so what’s the actual job characteristics?” - “Well, you’ll have to collect blood.” “Blood? What do you mean?”, “in a sense, our company needs large quantities of blood, in order to keep our business going smoothly” - “wait, are you actually saying blood? Human blood??” “Oh yes! Very nutri… err very elemental for our companies diet, yes…” - josh made a crooked smile, feeling the weird vibes… “so how do I collect blood?” - “you can ask your friend or family!” Said the gentleman very enthusiastically… “friends and family?? What?? Your saying like a blood bank? - “yes, yes! Exactly, you’re starting to get it”

- “ahah yes I am… could you just excuse me for a minute, I have to make a call”.

The gentleman agreed, and josh left the building, simulating a phone call, and when he was hidden from the gentleman’s point of view, he started running for his life.

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