By Joshua Coleman @ Unsplash

Your neighbour has put up some halloween decorations, but you're worried about how realistic the skeletons are...
Borrowed Bones
“Good morning Sam!”
“Good morning Miss Kim!” I waved to her as I walked by on my way to class. Then my brain registered what I was seeing and I halted mid-step.
“Decorating for Halloween, Miss Kim?” I asked even though the answer was obvious. She was busy rearranging the arms of one of the skeletons on her porch. Two were already set up, posed sitting at a table as if studying the game of chess in front of them.
“Yes, Sam. Don’t they look great?!” Miss Kim made a motion with her hand and I felt obliged to take a closer look. I wished I had just kept walking. Those skeletons were just too realistic to have been bought from a store’s seasonal section. Come to think of it, these particular bones looked awfully familiar…
I breathed a sigh of relief. “Miss Kim?”
“Yes, dear?”
“Does Dean Mitchell know that you’ve borrowed the biology department’s teaching skeletons again?”