Renaissance Isle

I shifted under a faint canopy of leaves, eyeing the ebb and flow of pale waves just a few feet from where I sat. I closed my eyes for a moment to breathe in the salty air, as the tide rolled out, slower than I remembered. The sun, crowning over the horizon, cast a gilded film along the tiny island, far as anyone could see. With a smile spread across my face, I leaned back on my hands, digging the heel of my palms into the soft, woven blanket I’d spread over the damp, cool sand. A stiff breeze brushed my bare back and shoulders, causing me to gently tug the fine fabric of my sweater up around my neck. It’d been years since I’d watched the sun set over this place. Since those last fragments of shimmering splendor danced on my skin. Since my last sleep began. And now I was finally awake. I inhaled sharply, rising and dragging weary limbs up into a more lively stance. Dusting sand from my body, I looked out at the expanse of sea, in search of what had spawned this arousal. My only answer, pearlescent arches crashing against a grainy shore.

I turned my attention to the brush of vegetation next to me, wondering if the delicate blooms would emerge soon as well. The light trickling in now, illuminated the entire northern side of the island, as I witnessed the sullen phoenix palms stiffen their newly brightened leaves, textured trunks writhing and stretching toward the budding warmth. I stirred at the sound of rustling and quaking coming from further inland. I gathered myself and ambled into the thicket, south, toward my favorite haunt.

I pushed through to find the red mangrove swamp, once more, teeming with life and excitement. The roots of the shrubs twisted and raised, shaking away all indications of sleep, while water drained steadily from the area. Mudskippers leapt through openings in the entangle of limbs as the crabs and small lizards scuttled about to find meals before the birds found theirs. My eyes finally landed on the quiet night heron, with a snake in its beak. As it unfurled its dark plumage, preparing to soar, I knew I too, had to take flight.

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