
“Red light” my mom warns from the passenger seat of our exhausted mini van.

“I have eyes too, you know.” My dad growls at her.

I watch the light as it flashes from harsh red to a calm green. The car revs up.

“Jesus, slow down, you’re going at least 20 over”

“It’s 1am goddamnit, nobodies on the road.”

“It wouldn’t be so late if we had left when I told you to.”

“She was nice enough to invite us over in the first place, you could have at least tried to look like you enjoyed yourself.”

“Excuse me?” Mom scoffed.

“She’s my goddamn boss Trish, I told you this dinner was important.”

“Oh yeah,” she laughs sarcastically, “I could tell just how important she was to you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean.” Dad grips the steering wheel until his knuckles are bright red.

“Don’t be naive, the woman was clearly trying to get into your pants, and you expected me to just sit there and take it.”

“Jesus Christ are we doing this again?”

“Stop acting like I’m the delusional one!”Mom yells, slapping the dashboard.

I tug on my dress and stare out the window.

“You’re right, you always think you’re goddamn right don’t you?” My dad, turns to her, shouting.

“Oh for god’s sake-“ She cries, as dad keeps yelling over her.

I cup my hands over my ears.

Suddenly my moms eyes widen, like a deer caught in headlights.

“Frank!” She screams.

But it’s too late.

I keep covering my ears as the car speeds towards the tree.

Even in the dark, for one last second, I can see the hot color drain from my fathers face, as the deep green leaves break through the windshield.

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