by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.
Love’s Deception
Gaia was laying in bed next to her mate Joseph, both staring at the screen in front of them. When Gaia suddenly felt a cool shiver down her spine, causing every hair on her body to stand up. She knew what time it was. She felt the warmth leave Joseph’s body, slowly making its way to the front of the room. Gaia closed her eyes and scrunched the blanket up over her face. When she felt Joseph turn her way and slide his hand towards her. Pulling the blanket off of her face. “Look”, Joseph commanded. As a slender black shadow creeped above the screen, just watching me from where the ceiling and wall meet. Joseph could smell my fear and told me to not be afraid, it enjoys that. I squeezed my eyes tight, gripping the blanket as tight as my little body could. “He’s right next to you now” Joseph said. I immediately start panicking and scotched closer in towards “my mate”. “Tell him to go away please Joseph.” I could hear the pounding from Joseph’s heart as he said “They don’t like you.” Gaia said with a confused face “why?” Joseph stared into the pits of my soul, “because you make them mad, they don’t like that you try and change me.” I could feel the hovering shadow of his demons above me.