
I woke up laying flat on my back, laying in a pool of my own blood. My vision was blurry, and the air was thick and heavy making it hard to breathe. I sat up, weak and exhausted. I could hear humming, but i didn’t know where it was coming from. I saw a door, it was big and written in blood was ‘don’t be afraid.’ i sat up and heard someone whispering. i stood up to see if anyone was near, but the room was empty except for a table and an old worn out couch. i got up and went to the door and it seemed that the chatter was coming from the door. I tried to open the door quietly and as soon as i pushed the handle, an alarm started beeping. I tried to walk back to the previous room, but suddenly some big, tall men came and blocked me out. I had no choice. I walked through the door and it slammed behind me. The alarm stopped and I saw two men. One of them saw me and walked out. The other one was wearing a suit. There was a big clock above the door. Click. The timer started. 5 minutes. “What’s happening?” I said. “Why shouldn’t I kill you?” “What?” I said. “Why. Shouldn’t. I. Kill you?” He said, slowly. “Uh-uhm” I said. My brain was filled with thoughts of him. He was attractive, sharp jawline, dark, fluffy hair. Tall and buff. Everything I had wanted in a man. “Go on?” He said. Hesitating, I said “Well, I mean, look at me! I’m attractive. You know you want it!” He smiled. “Ok, but I can add you to my collection. See you every day.” My heart dropped. This man was crazy, I didn’t believe it. “But you know, it would be better to have you alive. I’m convinced.” The timer clicked. All that was left was 4 minutes and 3 seconds.

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