With You

I do not know where I’d like to be next year

Ten seems incomprehensibly far away

I didn’t want to be hear ten years ago,

And yet your laughter as i say something ridiculously shameless

Fills me with joy that makes the poets make sense

That makes me understand how powerful skin on skin can be.

In ten years I’d like to not have the resentments of my family

I would like to have put the ghosts to rest

My mothers voice should not haunt me

Her actions do not cause me to fear what I’ll do to my own

In ten years I would like to have you with me, a dog, and bills.

I want a house where our friends find warmth and no one can fill poison.

I want a terrace to walk on,

A room full of books; a library is far too much.

A subscription to every streaming service

And you.

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