A person realizes they have the ability to enter and control dreams.

Explore the consequences of this ability, both good and bad.


I lie awake listening to the steady breathing of my sleeping friends. I’ve been lying awake for hours but I just can’t fall asleep.

I roll over onto my side, Anne, my best friend, lies there, sleeping peacefully. As I look at her calm face a small smile creeps onto my face. Ever since the… _incident,_ she’s had nightmares every night, it’s a relief to see her finally getting a restful sleep.

Anne’s expression changes then, it goes from calm to scared. She jerks sharply, rolling over and then turning back to me. Tears begin to spill from her eyes as moans and groans in her sleep.

“No…” She whispers, “No, no! Please no! Stop! Please!”

Nightmares again. It was foolish of me to think that she could actually have a good night’s sleep.

I look at her, wishing I could take those nightmares away from her. My head starts hurting, just a little at first but getting stronger.

I bring a hand up to my head as my vision begins to blur. Anne fades from my view and is replaced with another image. A house. Anne’s house.

The rain pours down heavily yet still many people crowd the streets. My eyes are puffy from crying but something else is different. I look down at my hands but… they’re not my hands! These hands are smaller and a good few shades darker than my own. I look up and down the street and I see it then. It’s the night _it _happened, exactly as I remember, except I’m seeing it from Anne’s perspective.

All eyes land on me and I run inside. I start up the stairs but stop suddenly as a voice calls out.

“Anne!” I turn to see Anne’s father at the bottom of the stairs. “Anne, what have you done!?”

He’s furious, and when he moves towards me I stumble back. He grabs me by the neck and throws me down the stairs. I try to push myself up, try to run but he’s to fast. He grabs me again and presses me against the wall. He hits me, hard. He hits me again, harder.

“You stupid, stupid girl!” He looks like he’s about to explode.

He drops me to the floor and I kneel there, coughing and spluttering. “Pathetic.”

He kicks me and I fall onto my side. He motions to kick me again.

“Stop!” I scream.

Light explodes around me and Anne’s father screams in agony. The house crumbles down around me and a thought rings loud in my ear.

_I _am_ one of them. I am a freak. A monster._

The headache returns and everything fades. I’m back in the tent, my friend lying next to me. I look at Anne, her eyes are open now.

“Nightmares?” I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady. She nods before rolling over.

That was Anne’s nightmare, exactly how she described it. I was in Anne’s nightmare.

_I’m one of them too._

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