Submitted by Bailie MacGregor
"Who are you?" - those were the hardest three words to hear in my life.
Write a story containing this line, or centred around the idea.
Dark Green Eyes
~yeah ik it’s long, sorry about that… but for a moment there I got lost in this story, it was amazing… I hope you get lost too! (In a good way)
I fought and fought to get my stuff back , but he was so much stronger than me I ended up laying on the deck with a stupid canon in my lap.
We had already docked when this idiot decided to rob me.
My brother and the crew had went out to get supplies.
He said he’d only be gone a little while and for me to stay with the boat.
After they had left I went below for a while but then heard footsteps.
So I went outside and found we were being robbed and he had cut all of the lines except for one.
I tackled him from behind trying to knock him out with a hammer, He had enough and threw me to the floor making me bang against the canon as it fell on top of my legs.
I couldn’t make the thing budge, I noticed a gun laying next to a canon and tried to aim for him as he was leaving the dock, but then someone else road up behind him.
The thief shouted to the tall masked man and threw him my bag of belongings.
The masked man caught it and started scanning the boat, he noticed me and pulled out his gun, I aimed to shoot the gun out of his hand, but instead he shot mine.
As I lay there wounded, I carefully watched this strange man on his horse walk up to the thief and cuff him.
With all that weight on top of me, I could barely breath, I couldn’t help but feel like my life was about to end right then.
I noticed there was a pattern on the masked man’s jacket, it was the same as the one my brother kept in his pack of belongings.
But the masked man didn’t shoot, instead he lowered his gun.
Then the last rope snapped from being the only one that held the boat to the dock.
As the boat drifted away from the dock , I laid my head down, relived.
I felt as if I passed out.
The next thing I knew the boat felt like it was being pulled to the deck.
I heard men shouting, i opened my eyes and lifted my head to see the same man and more men pulling the boat to the deck.
I tried to reach for my gun but I still couldn’t get the stupid canon off of me, I felt helpless.
As the boat approached the deck, the men immediately raced onto the boat to dock it except the masked man.
He set the cuffed thief on a horse and handed the reins to an another man.
He wasn’t holding his gun anymore.
I struggled and struggled, nothing could move this thing.
As I glanced back to see if the masked man was still there to my surprise he was already on the boat making his way towards me.
I looked for my gun but I couldn’t see it anywhere. The masked man then came up to me, took off his mask and pulled the canon off of me.
I looked up at him and noticed he had dark hair and had the darkest green eyes I have ever seen.
After he set the canon aside he offered me his hand, I looked down and knew I was in no place to reject, so I tried once again to move my legs, they only moved a little so I took his hand in mine and tried to stand.
He helped me up, and together we made it onto the deck.
He walked me over to a bench and when I sat down he walked over to his horse, grabbed my bag and came and handed it to me.
He apologized for everything, then asked for my name and why I came here.
I told him Eliza Wallen and he looked surprised he asked if i happened to have a brother named Nicholas Wallen, I nodded, he smiled and said that he has been expecting us for some time now.
I was shocked that someone like him was expecting to see me and my brother.
“Who are you?” -those were the three hardest words to say in my life, as I stared into his deep green eyes.
He smiled at me then said that he was known as "Barry”.
I’ve never heard of a “Barry” in all my life.
It was kind of funny.
He then asked where my brother was, I told him he ran off to get supplies with the crew.
He shook his head slowly.
And said that, ‘that was man talk for hittin the pub’.
He also said that he couldn’t believe that my brother would take all of the crew and not leave someone here with me.
I laughed and told him that I said I’d be fine on my own, but I was wrong.
He laughed too,then said they probably wouldn’t be back until morning.
Then he said his farewells, until morning.
And sure enough, when morning came, my brother came, drunk as could be.