Without planning or drafting, write the opening page of your story.

We will revisit this prompt at the end of the month to see how your ideas and skills have developed!

Alleyway Highways

“I came in like a wrecking ball.”

Tiffany shot up from her bed. Clutching her pillow as a weapon, she twisted her head from side to side. Heartbeats later, running water through the pipes finally registered. She stood frozen, then exhaled and collapsed onto her bed. Grabbing her phone from the bedside table, Tiffany groaned. 4 a.m. burned into her retinas, showing up even when she closed her eyes. What the perpetrator considered singing continued, echoing around the room. She could not even muffle the racket with her pillow over her head. Tiffany huffed, rolled out of bed, and threw her pillow onto it. She stumbled through her dimly lit room to the door. Opening it, she blinked at the brightness of the hall lights.

Steam floated past her on its way down the hall. Quickly glancing at the fire alarm, Tiffany shook her head when she saw it was disabled. Stepping out into the hallway, she began banging on the closed door.

“Barbra, keep it down in there. Are you trying to wake the whole floor?” Hearing no answer and no stopping of either water or singing, Tiffany opened the door. Steam billowed out, heat and moisture hitting her face. The shower occupant did not indicate they knew they were no longer alone. Stepping to the toilet, Tiffany pushed the handle down. A scream erupted from behind the curtain and frantic sounds of knobs turning. Grabbing a towel, Tiffany handed it to the searching hand.

“ Did you have a great time serenading everyone, Barbra?” Barbra threw back the white and blue shower curtain. Hazel eyes glared from behind blonde hair.

“What the hell, Tiff? Why would you freeze a girl out like that?”

Tiffany put her hand on her hips.

“Oh, I don’t know. It could be that you were holding a concert at 4 a.m.”

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