Write a selection of diary entries by someone who has been abducted by aliens.

Try to convey your character's emotional state through each entry, whilst advancing a plot. How do they handle their situation?


August 23, 2039

It’s been hard leaving everything. My friends, family, and just my life. So when I finally made some friends in my new school in Dallas, I was a little relieved. Sure, they definitely weren’t very popular, and got picked on because of their strange features. Ethan had wide, dark brown eyes that looked almost black and small mouth and an even smaller nose, and Rosemary had a slim, pale body and equally pale hair. I was just grateful I could tell my parents I had made some friends. Even though I just started talking to them in English class last week, they invited me to hang out with them today and sleep over. Eager to become closer to them, I said yes. 

My mom dropped me off at Rosemary’s house and I said goodbye, not knowing that would be my last time seeing my family. I headed to the door and knocked a few times. Almost instantly, Ethan opened the door and welcomed me in. He told me that we were going to sleep outside and make a fort and roast marshmallows and sent me off to go find blankets. I reluctantly go, asking Ethan if I should tell Rosemary I’m here, and he says it’s fine just go look for stuff and meet them outside. So I go. I eventually found four blankets and five pillows and brought them to the wooden patio outside. I started talking about how hard it was to find stuff and how much heavier blankets are then you thought when I realized that Ethan and Rosemary aren’t here. I set the blankets and pillows down in confusion. I walked around the house and yard for what felt like an hour when they appeared back on the patio, waiting for me. I was a little confused but tried talking it off saying that I thought I lost them or something when they suddenly spoke in unison. 

“Follow us.” Their eyes turned fully black and they shifted into tall, bony creatures. When I didn’t follow and started to run, Rosemary snapped her fingers and I collapsed.

I just woke up. I’m in a tiny room with a small bed, a nightstand with a lamp, a diary and pen (which is what I’m writing in now) and a toilet with a curtain around it. I have no clue where I am or if it’s even August 23 still. There are no doors or windows, only a little slot in one of the walls with a clean tray meant for food. I’m writing in this so that maybe one day a human will find me or find this book and know what is going on. I only fear the worst.

August 24

I tried to fall asleep last night. But I probably only got two hours before I was awakened by the nightmares. I tried to doodle in this book to keep sane but it didn’t help. First I started drawing pictures of my family. Then who I thought were my friends. And slowly I drew misshapen figures that eventually just turned into aggressive darkness. 

Hold on. I hear something. Something’s talking. It kind of sounds like Ethan, but it’s no language I can understand or even heard of before. The slot in the wall opens. And my first meal pours out. It looks like a failed attempt at mashed potatoes, steamed carrots, and warm milk. Ok I’m going to try it. I’m already here, locked away, what could happen? I take a little spoonful of the mashed potatoes and bring it towards my mouth. I immediately spit it out. It has the most bitter taste and an oversalted after taste. I wipe at my rouge, trying to get the taste out when I gulp down the milk, which isn’t that bad, it tastes like real milk but sweet. I drank all the milk and wished for more. I’m still so hungry that i try the steamed… wait steamed what? But I pick up the spoon. Spoon? No this is a pen. What’s going on? Anyways I pick up my pen and try the steamed —





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