Write a story about a character who is being haunted by a song.
‘The blue clouds’ she couldn’t get those song lyrics out of her head. It drove her mad. She went all school day without being able to listen to it.
So when she finally got home she put her headphones in and listened to the song. When it was over, she still had it in her head.
Maddie then put on a different song that she knew for sure would get stuck in her head instead.
When that song was over she looked at the time and realized she needed to get to the grocery store. Maddie took out her headphones, put them in their case, and put them away. She put on some clean clothes, got her keys, and got in her car and drove down the road.
It wasn’t until she got to the grocery store that Maddie realized that she now had two songs stuck in her head.
Oh come on! She thought.
She walked around, the whole time she didn’t even pay attention to the music in the background, because her head kept on repeating the two lyrics.
As it got later, Maddie had gathered all she needed from the store and left.
When she got home, she put all the groceries away, while now singing three songs in her mind.
“Arg! Why!?” She shouted. She decided that she wouldn’t listen to anymore music for the rest of the night.
As she ate dinner, Maddie watched her favorite TV show. She then lied down to go to sleep. She got in under her covers and closed her eyes. Then she was disturbed. She sang all four songs in her head.
Four? I thought it was three? You ask?
Yes, there now another, the annoying little theme song from the show.
Maddie pulled the cover over her head and screamed into her pillow.
Finally, she fell asleep, the didn’t matter though, cause she heard all the music in her dreams too, which caused her to keep waking up. How tragic.
When I was finally morning, Maddie woke up, feeling well rested, and amazing. Then she realized something great, the songs were gone.
Well, all but one, the very first one that was stuck in her head in the fist place.
“I’m not doing this today!” She shouted to herself and got back under the covers.