She gripped the ancient relic tightly, feeling the power running through it.

Continue this story about someone in possession of a powerful object.

The Ancient Staff

Gigi held the ancient carved staff in her hands. Her hands began to sweat and as if in response the staff cooled and her palms dried. Slowly a warm sensation radiated from thes taff into her hands, and warpped itself up her arms like a lovers caress. Gigi sighed at the perfectness of it. Just as she thought about how it owuld feel to have the warmth on her face she felt a hand cup her cheek. Gigi’s fluttered open expecting to see a lover. To her surpirse she was still in the dank cave. She closed her eyes again to see if she could bring back the warmth. She suddenly felt so cold, so alone. When the warmth didn’t come back sweat prickled her brow. She didn’t know what kind of magic could do this to her. Feeling something omnius coming from the staff now she let go. But her fingers wouldn’t uncurl themseves. She could almost feel her hands clench tighter on the staff. What was this staff? Why couldn’t she let go?

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