Dream Job

Dane answered on the third ring. Ricky could tell through the sound of his voice, that he was lying in bed, head arched against his pillow and aimed at the television.

“The Devil do you want?” His default phrase for whenever Ricky called.

“Not much,” Replied Ricky with a wide grin. “What are you up to?”

“Nada my friend, just lying here like a goon. You ready for your interview?”

“Well, that’s the thing. I had a dream about it.”

“Weird like what kind of dream?” Dane asked as he readjusted himself on his bed.

"I've only had these a handful of times and every time they trip me the hell out. Have you ever had a dream where it matches up with real-time? Like, in this dream, I actually woke up for the interview, so it didn't feel like a dream at all. Have you ever had one like that?"

Dane made his generic thinking sound, "Maaaaaybe? For starters, I'm not much of a dreamer and when I do I barely remember them. So, what happened in this dream?"

"Alright, so I don't remember how it starts or anything like that, but the first thing that I do remember is being locked in my room. I can't rotate the door knob and for whatever reason, the lock switch doesn't work and I'm just stuck in my room. I'm banging on the door, trying to shoulder it in, and nothing. And what's weird, is that I legitimately start to panic about the job interview."

"Bizarre but keep going," Dane insisted.

"Right, so I eventually get through and I get to my car. For whatever reason, I can only drive the car in reverse. I don't seem to think anything of it, and I just drive the car backward to Fletchers."

Dane released a weird snort, "God Damn, that's how you know it's a dream you're an awful driver when it comes to just driving forward."

"Ha-Ha. Anyway, I don't remember parking the car, the next thing I remember is being at a crosswalk. There are like, thousands of people trying to get across the street going both ways. That whole promenade of shops where Fletchers is is just popping with people. All of a sudden these weird metallic asteroid things start falling out of the sky. I don’t remember what they were, and they’re not big enough to destroy the world. But they’re smashing through people, and taking out buildings. Eventually, they start bouncing off the pavement and knocking people all over the place. I make a break for it and get to that weird little underpass where the GAP and Forever 21 are and it's just chaos."

"Good God Ricky, what the hell were you watching or playing last night?" Dane asked.

"Dude, I have no idea. I just sat there and watched The Office then knocked out. I woke up in a frenzy, like in those movies where the character has the most traumatic dream ever."

"That’s weird, but please tell me you’re still going to the interview. That this dream isn’t going to dictate whether you go or not.”

Ricky's voice strained as he selected the proper wording, "Ehhh. It kind of is."

"Oh come on," Dane started, he was walking around his bedroom now. "You're afraid of a dream?"

"Dane, this one creeped me the fuck out. I couldn't go back to bed, it was like 3 in the morning. Like something just rubs me the wrong way about it, and to be honest I'm not that excited to work for Fletchers. It's a shit hole dive bar, like right off the bat I was meh on the idea."

Dane let out a sharp exhale, "I can give you that. Really think this over though. Your interview is at what...two?"

"Yeah," Ricky agreed.

"Think it over and go from there, but you need a job. I still think you should go."

Ricky didn't go to the interview.


The following morning, Ricky woke up to a text from Dane, it was a news article.

The article was about a fatal accident that cost the lives of at least two people and injured around eight other patrons.

At around 2:15, Drake Sampson reversed his car through the wall on the third story of the parking structure across the street from Fletchers (it's believed that he was heavily intoxicated). The car crashed through Fletchers and killed at least one employee, supervisor Emery Jones. Everyone in the bar was injured with at least three people in critical condition.

Three weeks later, Ricky would accept a job at the local Guitar store. He was grateful.

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