Probability at less than 1

When aliens first came into contact with humans, it went much more civilly than any sci-fy writers or diplomats had expected. To be fair, their predictions were based purely on the human responce, and aliens are anything but.

when they came to earth- or rather, when we first hailed them from the ISS voyager shuttle- they were in awe of us. We were so fragile to them, and they were suprised we were still here. Apparently most carbon-based creatures are made of much tougher material, and most oxygen breathing creatures were made of much less solid stuff. We were a statistical anomoly. We didn't eat how they ate, we didn't function like they did. Our repiratory system seemed to puzzle them, and our digestive system all but horrified them. ("Acid? In your Stomach? and you just Dissolve your food to absorb the nutrients? but your not a plasma form?")

So, of course, having our new friends was truly insightful for us. Our scientists quickly joined forces with their scientists to chart similarities and differences- the latter much mor frequent- and to learn about environments and systems outside of the Milky Way.

It was very early into their combined research- really only a few months- when the Aliens began to point out features of humankind that we ourselves did not ever notice. Apparently, only ever researching with humans creates a bit of a blind-effect. Not a good enough one for the writers, but a good enough one for the scientists. Because while humans were writing off vampires, shapeshifters, seelkies, and the like off as a work of the imagination, those traits existed right under our noses.

The aliens showed up and immediatley began to point these traits out. Someone with a recessive trait for extended life, not much just a few decades past a normal expectancy, and with unusual speed and agility due to their blood quality and flow. Someone with a natural ability to shift into any role or impression, due to their heightened scenses and their genetically special voicebox. Someone who had an unlocked gene that allowed them to breathe fire, who coincidentally worked as a fire-eater at a local ren faire.

But all of these traits were overshadowed by the showstopping discovery. The placebo effect, our dreams, the Mandela effect, Deja Vu, and many other "unexplainable" occurances were not just weird human quirks. They were a sixth sense.

According to the scientists, human's weird anomolies and even weirder evolution meant that we developed an unsteady connection to the time and space continuum. We evolved so fast compared to other creatures, and we evolved on a planet of radiation and poisionous gases and the like. Our psycis couldn't handle it. Our bodies couldn't handle it. And all that access interaction and adaption manifested in a collective conciousness that allows us to interact and even alter the course of time and space.

Theyre calling it the Probability Sense. Essentially, the new sense creates a rift in time and space-more of a bridge than a rift actually- and it puts millions of multiversal possibilities at our fingertips.

What we do with it, however, isn't up to the scientists. Its up to the colllective 9 billion of us. I've seen spreaddit posts, political speeches, scientific papers, and warnings from other alien races much much farther away, all debating and arguing for different uses. War, peace. Progress, historical insight. Connection with other aliens, isolationism. Strict regulations, Unfettered exploration. Not one person seems to agree.

So? Now we've met aliens. Now we all have superpowers. The Question is: What are you going to do about it?

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