Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
The Truth
"Chloe I-" Mark's words jumble as he confesses to her, "I'm The Black Signal". The words fall out of his mouth, failing to sound how he pictured them in his head. As she listens to him, her eyes begin to swell and her posture fails her, the golden locks of her hair cover her face as she dips her head into her hands. "How- how could you keep this from me?" she says under her breath, she wants to scream, to cry, anything, but she can't, her body won't let her. Mark closes the gap, in an attempt to hug her, but she shrugs him off and throws her head up, "You kill people!" she screams, her voice distorted through the anguish and tears. Mark, taken aback by her change of demeanour, jumps back and opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. "All these times you've ignored my calls, my texts, you were out killing people!" she yells, her voice breaking with almost every word. He tries to hug her, and consol her in her time of crisis, but she pushes him away. "Don't- don't touch me" she mutters under her breath "We're done," she says softly, walking away with her arms crossed, her sniffles and tears fill Mark's ears as they begin to ring and block out all noises. He falls to the floor, his head in his hands as he begins to weep, "Why?" he asks himself. "Why, why why?" he repeats, the tears falling down his face.