Write a short story based on the final scene of the last movie you watched. It can be based on the actual ending or your own take on it.
A Crazy New Beginning...
Since that day when Fynn left me in charge I had felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility and pride that I had never felt in my life before. I had not only myself to think of, but my new circus family too! The days seemed to come & go a lot quicker than I would have liked and the show as they say must go on!
Now don’t get me wrong it wasn’t that I didn’t love it or indeed appreciate my new role.... believe me I do! It’s just that my life has changed so much in such a short space of time and to say that I found it a little daunting is a bit of an understatement. But luckily with Clare by my side I felt I could handle anything the world threw at me. She helped my choreograph my new routines and even helped me break the news to the guys when our Elephant routine had to be axed due to some new health and safety protocol bought in by the government. She has been my rock and my constant through it all, which is why I have decided to propose to her and make her my wife.
How to propose to such a woman though is perplexing me. Usually with such a quandary I would rush to Clare and she’d help me but I can’t go to her with this and the idea of her refusing my proposal has consumed me so much lately and as you can imagine my creative processes have not been at their best due to this stress. I had thought of proposing during the show. Maybe I could drop to my knee during the finale, or meet her up on the trapeze... but what if she fell... what if she refused me... the humiliation alone would haunt me for all my days but to add a massive audience to bear witness to such an incident would be mortifying. No... it must be an intimate affair, it must be personal and it must, must be romantic.
I have it... I will propose at the theatre! She has an affinity with the arts and to end our evening with a proposal in such an elegant interior would surely please my intended. That’s it! I shall get to planning immediately.