Write an action or thriller story that takes place in an airport.

How can you use this setting to underscore the normal tropes of these genres?

The 09 Flight

The continuous sounds of my heels in the glossy floor of the airport became an eerie, distant whisper as my head started to throb. I rubbed my temples as I dragged my suitcase out of security. A wave of nausea followed shortly as if telling me to back away. Don't go, don't go. I fished into my bag and pulled out the tickets. I waited in line, smiling around at strangers, most the children dressed in witch costumes. Little boys dressed as clowns, chasing the girls with a fake machete.

I jumped back into reality as the beeping of machines started up. My head continued to pound with pain, even when I gave my tickets and information to the lady at the desk. She pursed her lips at the screen and adjusted her glasses as she typed away on the laptop. Her lips were glazed like morello cherries, her eyes dark and narrowed. Her blonde hair was sharply slicked back into a ponytail.

I smiled weakly at her as she gave me a curt nod to go through to my flight, passing my details back to me. I proceeded through to the plane, flight 09. I put my suitcase on the rack above my seats. Seat 90 was mine. I sat down at the window seat, pulling up the shutter to see everything.

I can't remember what happened next because I fell asleep, the blackhole too strong for me to fight.

I woke up around 2 hours later, estimated. A small noise came from my headphone that were wrapped around my neck. A pain shot through the back of my neck and I groaned at the cramp. I sat up and looked around, realising the plane hadn't moved yet and no one was on it. I frowned and stood up, looking around. I passed a few seats and saw that there was people, but they were asleep. They looked like statues, some of them had their eyes open. I walked through to the main compartments where most people were.

I noticed a few blood stains painting the walls, formed in tiger stripes so red it burnt my eyes. I felt the salty taste of my own tears burning against my cheeks as if the skin were burning. I wiped them away quickly, rushing to the front of the deck. I found a key on the floor that was rusting, but it could work. I banged the door that was being reluctant. I kicked it, finally pushing it open. I grabbed my bags that I had been dragging along with me and ran down the track. I finally got back into the main building even though the lights were off.

I could hear a crackling behind me, and my head shot round to see Flight 09 on fire. The flames were rising higher and higher into the oblivion of a sky, heat licking onto my face even though I was far away. A bang had me falling to my feet, the flight blowing up completely. I gaze up at it with an empty expression, tears falling down my face for no reason.

All I could think about was what had happened.

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