
I sit myself at the edge of my bed, my maids washing my legs and feet with soap and water. I gaze at the wardrobe, a thin blanket covering my body, picturing my outfits for today. “Girls what colour would suit me best?”

“His majesty loves red!”

“Green makes you look formal, wear that!”

“How about blue to show wittiness?”

At least some things stay the same.

After a while of scrubbing and prepping I gaze at the wardrobe again, almost entranced in it’s possession.

“Mariam?” I asked, breaking out of my trance.

“Yes your highness.”

“Fetch me Bernard, please.”

Mariam nodded trailing her aproned dress behind her.

“Is her majesty troubled?” Said one of the eldest of maids.

“No no” I pause smiling at her

“Petal I am quite fine” Petal had lived in the castle all her life, she was abandoned here as a baby, the housekeeper at the time had took her in as her own, she was never given a proper name so everyone called her Petal. She told me this while getting fitted for another ballroom. It’s odd all these ladies have such interesting and saddened lives and I, the princess of two kingdoms are doing nothing.

A knock on the door persisted suddenly. “Would her Majesty want us to leave?”

“It’s only Bernard, stay” I said smiling almost jumping on the bed.

“Your majesty, ladies” Bernard looked at us, smiling and basking in compliments from the maids.

They waved at Bernard braiding their hair on the cold wooden floor. “What might I be requested for?”

“What events do I have today?”

“Breakfast with your ladies in the downstairs dinner hall, lunch in the gardens with the Prince in the afternoon, dinner with your ladies again and some evening celebrations an hour after sunset with the King”

“No Maddison then?” I said teasingly

“You may see her in the evening but other than that, no” Bernard gave a swift bow almost chuckling to himself.

“Well then, blue or pink?”

“Blue your majesty” he said smiling, leaving one of the maids smiling cheekily.

“If you would excuse me your majesty.”

“Of course” I smiled waving to Bernard like a small child. With that he left bowing before his departure.

“I told you” said one of the girls to another

“Told what?” I was eavesdropping

“That Bernard likes blue.”

“Well that’s obvious” another girl butted in.

“Yet he does wear a lot of pink.”

“Noble type” said Petal jokingly

“Tell that to Maddison” I laughed

Downstairs was busy. Princesses did not often dine with her husband, well in this universe anyways. “Where’s Maddison?”

“I heard she was having breakfast with the Prince.”

“Which one” a maid laughed before

looking at me sheepishly.

“It’s okay I understand” I smiled because, although frustrating these girls only had stories left to keep them going, they’re like my second, well, third family.

“Well that is Maddison for you” I jeered before spitting out my wine into my goblet as I saw her enter the dining hall.

“Good evening your highness” she curtsied.

“Like wise” I said chugging my wine as fast as I could.

“Careful” said Maddison taking the goblet from me and wiping my face like I were a toddler. I plastered on a smile as the banquet hall went silent.

“Apologies we were not expecting company” I chewed my bread bitterly

“Well may I sit?” I nodded eating more bread. “Look Briar, I understand you are upset with me but, me and Phillip have an agr-“

“Agreement, I understand”

“You understand I am not being spiteful”

“Likewise” I lied, I was being spiteful.

“I’m glad we can agree” she smiled, condescendingly sitting down beside me. I couldn’t tell if I was mad, bored or tired. Either way I wanted breakfast to end- fast. “So how are you girls” asked Maddison

“Good” they all said in union, their eyes glued to their plates like statutes.

“Splendid” said Maddison digging into her morning breakfast.

The afternoon was dull, I had lunch with Phillip but I was turning stale. The girls were busy with chores, I never learnt how to read and I dread the idea of hunting. I was bored. Honey, a Nobel staying in the castle approached me in the gardens “Afternoon your highness” I smiled looking at the meadow.

“I am worried for your well-being”

“I will be fine” I smiled.

“Well I shall be in my quarters should you find me” she left promptly.

I sighed heading…

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