Write a story that has no obvious protagonist.
Think carefully about how can you create an engaging story that doesn't have one main character.
The Crew
Pel gingerly stepped out of the space ship as his boss yelled at him. His boss didn’t seem to understand. Just because half of the man was built out of circuitry didn’t mean he could run indefinitely. Still his boss called him over to meet his new employer.
Rui watched the cyborg approach. He was light on his feet. And didn’t even flinch as his boss called him over. He had to be used to high stake situations, but could he be part of the crew?
“Sir?” Pel’s voice was quiet. His human eye had a bag under it. And his body shook.
Rui turned to the crime boss. “This is the pilot you spoke of?”
The man’s smile was greasy. “Best in the galaxy. Isn’t that right, Pel?”
The cyborg nodded knowing this routine. His services were being sold again. And his debt was large enough that he’d stopped caring how much his boss passed him around.
Rui lifted an eyebrow. The cyborg’s movements were odd, not as fluid as they had been. But she didn’t have time to question them as an explosion rocked the space ship port. The cause was obvious and she groaned.
“Do you know anything about ship engines?” Rui asked.
“Not enough to fix that. But I know someone you can hire cheap.”
Alatar saw them walk into the brothel. Of course he always knew when his friend was nearby. They’re circuitry came from the same source. But Pel always came alone. Why bring a female? Perhaps she was a customer?
Pel caught the eye of the pleasure bot. And Alatar nodded to an empty back room. But the female didn’t look at him like the others. Nor did her demeanor change when the three were alone.
Alatar gave a bow. “How may I serve you?”
“Do you know how to fix space engines?” Rui noticed the bot’s hesitation.
Alatar’s blue eyes glowed. “I can fix anything with the right equipment. But I will need permission from my mistress to do so.”
Niobe glanced at her glowing wrist band, her link to Alatar. What now of all times? Looking around she dove into an alley that led to an older part of the city. And ducked under what appeared to be an old altar.
“I’ve been offered a job on a cargo ship as a mechanic. Free food and passage are payment.”
“Passage?” Niobe smiled. “Of course you must agree in exchange for my passage as well.”
“I will send you the coordinates.”
Niobe stood as Alatar disconnected. She was so happy that she knelt to the altar, giving thanks to the god that had protected her. And with that she stole away to the space port. But she wasn’t alone. He tails were catching up.
Alatar knew he didn’t have much time to get the ship functioning. Not with the bounty on Niobe’s head. But he couldn’t help but smile as he put the engine back together. And with his speed it was quickly roaring to life.
Rui was sitting at the ship’s entrance when she felt it come to life. Something she hadn’t felt since she and her dad had crash landed here. And now she…
Rui dodged a bullet as a woman came barreling in calling the bot’s name.
Niobe hid behind the open doors glaring at the other woman. “Can’t you close these?”
“They haven’t been closed in years.” Rui took ahold of the coms. “Alatar close the doors. Pel get ready for take off.”
Pel jolted from his nap. The pilot’s chair was far too comfortable. But the view from the window had adrenaline pumping into his veins.
A large skeleton wearing a clear green suit proceeded to tear through the assailants. Niobe couldn’t stop staring at the figure that had been featured on the altar.
“He with you?” Rui asked.
“I think so.” Niobe continued to stare even as the doors started to close and the thrusters came online.
The protector saw his charge on the ship and ran. It had been far too long since he’d had someone to protect. And he wasn’t letting this opportunity pass him by. So he flung himself into the ship just as the doors screeched closed.
Rui unsheathed her knives but Niobe stopped her. “He won’t hurt you as long as you don’t hurt me.”
Rui glanced between the two and then shrugged. She’d been looking for a crew. Well now she’d found them.