
Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.

Is Anyone There

There’s screaming and yelling,

Thoughts rushing my mind,

I can’t seem to think straight,

Can’t stop to ask why,

Why me,

Why this,

All I want is bliss,

Instead I’m stuck in this dark abyss,

My heart is pounding like a awakened flame,

I hear the thudding in my brain,

All of a sudden my breathing is quick,

I’m choking on air,

I’m gonna be sick,

This is it,

The end,

I’m through,

I’ll die before I knew what to do,

He doesn’t help me,

Just walks away,

Leaving me praying I’ll see the next day,

They say this is normal but I don’t see how,

The only thing I see is spots now,

I need to breath,

I’m drowning in fresh air,

My thoughts the only thing keeping me there,

I feel a hand on my wrist,

I flinch and cry,

They soothe me quick,

They’re here to help,

That’s a new word,

Help is something odd and peculiar,

Yet they sit me down and hold my hands,

They soothe my heart and shaking hands,

I go to thank them but they say no need,

They say it’s human decency,

I guess no one’s ever been decent to me

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