All the clues point towards me, but I can't have committed these murders!

From a first person perspective, write a short story about a detective who is slowly discovering that he might somehow be the murdered he is hunting.

It wasn’t me, was it?

It doesn’t make any sense. How could my fingerprints be at these scenes? I didn’t even attend the scenes until I was bought in to take over the investigations after the boss went off sick. It must be a mistake. I’ll speak with the finger print and experts and get them to re look at the case.

But why can’t I remember what on earth I was doing on those evenings? I know Iv told the detective inspector that I was at home, but was I?! I honestly can’t remember and it wasn’t even that long ago, I must be working too hard. I’m on overload. I think I’ll just take a couple of weeks off and get away to re charge. Then no doubt I will have a clear head, remember those evenings and be able to explain my innocent self properly.

Blimey, where is that phone?! I can hear my phone ringing but can’t seem to find it anywhere. After scrambling through the pillows on the sofa I eventually find it. It’s a missed call from the station. I’ll call back straight away, looks like I’m being called back to work again. Everyone is so busy committing crimes lately I hardly seem to get a day off! No wonder I’m burning out and can’t remember important details.

This can’t be real! Someone must be winding me up! My wallet was found at the scene of the murdered women?! I wondered where that went but this must be a set up.

I’m going to have to look at all these details myself closely, I don’t care if Iv been taken off the job now there must be a way.

And before I know it, here I am. Sneaking into the office at midnight to get onto my computer and get as much information as I can to prove my innocence! I need to know every detail that we have on this case now. But this is so unlike me, creeping about! I don’t like it at all.

When I took over this case all the fingers were pointing towards the strange man who owned the DIY store, he is definitely the person who committed these murders. I just need to prove it.

Why is this document taking so long to download?! Ah ha, there we are. The DIY man has so much history it’s sure to be him. Looks like they now have a photo of his bag and shoes from one of the scenes, this is looking promising. Hang on........Iv got those shoes. And that bag. This has to be a coincidence.

Right, let’s have a look at his statement that he has obviously finally agreed to provide! In France at the time? I highly doubt that. But surely DCI has confirmed that? And that’s why they are now after me?

I know I’m not the most popular person at the station but surely I’m not being set up for this. It wasnt me...........................Was it?

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