Inspired by Aster

The Perfect Murder

Write a story that could have this as its title.

Proposal Killer

Adam and Melody has just finished their dinner, it was their 1 year anniversary of dating. It was nothing special, but Adam still tried his best to prepare a good meal with the money they had in their joint bank account. Whether it was dollar store candles and microwavable cans of soup or a 5 star restaurant, it meant the same to Melody. She knew that Adam was doing his best and frankly, it was better than what she grew up with. “Time for cake” Adam says, grabbing the knife and cutting the white and red cake. Adam handed the styrofoam plate to Melody before getting his own plate. “How was your day at work today, honey?” Melody asks to try to start a conversation.

“It was okay, but it was work.” He replies, placing a plastic fork by each plate on their table and sitting down. “Thank you for all of this, you really didn-“ Melody stutters and wraps her hands around her neck. “Oh, such a shame..” Adam sighs as he stares into Melody’s eyes with her still grasping for air. Adam got up and brushed his hand against her curly brown hair. After he knew she was gone, he grabbed his phone out of his back pocket to dial 911. “Hurry.. We need an ambulance! My girlfriend is choking.” Adam cried alligator tears to the dispatcher.

“Welcome to news channel 27, today we will cover the death of Melody Hernandez, who tragically choked on her engagement ring just 5 hours ago.” Adam changes the tv channel and leans back in his recliner. Everything in life will be fine for him, for now.

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