Submitted by Kell.

Write a poem which describes the feeling of betrayal.

You could write in any genre or style, but use this as the central theme.


You should really let that go, it’s ugly on you

Beautiful on the inside, shallow on the outside

You should really let that go, heard of karma?

“You reap what you sow”, allow it to flow

Acrimony, is like a sickness

You control it, replace it with bliss, forgiveness

Acrimony, it’s really starting to show

Kindness, is what your really searching for

Acrimony, just like sourdough, bitter, please just let it go

Manifestations are waiting for you, move on to the new you

Acrimony, you allow to have a chokehold on you

Release, it’s all apart of the process, acrimony is like a temporary address

You had to move on someday


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