Time to Shine

Why isn’t it my time to shine? How long must I wait to show forth my truth, my real self? How long do I need to hide and shield myself?

Am I afraid of the world and its response? Do I think they’ll rise up and smash me into the dirt, stomp on me and utterly devastate me? They need me, and they’ll see that once I reveal myself.

Yes, I know what happened last time, and the time before. It’s not like that now. People have seen what the price is for killing their saviors. They have suffered enough with what the world has become; they will receive me with open arms, carry me through the city gates, and take me to the King.

All I have to do is step outside beneath the rays of the sun and my truth will be revealed. The gold will shine beneath this flesh, and life will return to this devastated and desecrated world.

Do you hear them singing? They’re singing for me, they’re calling for me, please let me go to them. I’ve been waiting my entire life to save humanity. These are my people.

You were once a savior? Why have you never told me?

Oh, god, how could they? That’s… inhuman, you didn’t deserve that… is that why you walk with a limp? How you lost your eye? I can’t believe I’ve never asked.

I’ll stay hidden. I’ll wait until the right time, which could be never as much as I care. If they can do that to you, they don’t deserve you.

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